Power Brite Cleaner

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt quis dui ac mollis. In sit amet libero nulla. Aenean mattis auctor tempor. Praesent faucibus, massa imperdiet bibendum fringilla, magna libero scelerisque est, eget semper lacus nunc et arcu. Fusce eleifend ut ipsum id volutpat. Duis pretium turpis ut aliquam cursus. Nunc ante nisi, maximus et urna eget, egestas aliquam massa. Vivamus vel tortor tempus, egestas urna ac, posuere turpis. Vivamus dui magna, rutrum in dictum mattis, congue eget tortor.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec elementum facilisis risus cursus rutrum. Duis a ante sit amet dolor posuere posuere. Nullam id facilisis lorem. Cras auctor ipsum non sem pharetra, nec pellentesque ex tempor. Donec sollicitudin tellus eget sapien faucibus, id elementum odio sodales. Ut eleifend orci massa, vel mattis libero gravida eu. Mauris congue nunc sed dui interdum egestas.

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Price 3

May 30, 2013


What is PowerBrite?

Power Brite is a concentrated detergent designed for heavy duty cleaning. This product contains special additives that provide a foaming
action and lubrication while reducing corrosion of the metal. This special kit will aid in the removal of carbon soot, road film, and heavy
soils without the need of extensive brushing. Anyone already using kits will find this product to exceed their expectations.

Before using, make sure that the desired surface is cool to prevent early evaporation. Read MSDS and test in a small inconspicuous area.
Add part 1 and part 2 to at least 50 gallons of water. Add Part 1 first. Mix until solution is completely dissolved.

This solution can be used at 20-50:1 depending on the quality of the surfaces being cleaned.
Make sure to use proper protective clothing when applying this or any chemical.

Do not use on polished aluminum surfaces.